Welcome to our pet-loving corner of the internet! Here at DogArea.org, we’re passionate about pets and thrilled to have you join us on this journey.

Meet the Author:

I’m Marius J. Taylor, and I’m not just your average pet enthusiast; I’m a licensed veterinarian, a certified pet nutritionist, and a devoted member of a family deeply immersed in the wonderful world of dogs.

Pet Nutritionist: Recognizing nutrition’s integral role in our pets’ well-being, I sought additional certification as a pet nutritionist.

This expertise allows me to provide the most informed advice on nurturing your furry companions through proper diet and nutrition.

Licensed Veterinarian: With a lifelong passion for animal health, I pursued my dream of becoming a licensed veterinarian. I graduated from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), University of London, with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree.

My dedication to improving the lives of pets through expert care and nutritional guidance has been a driving force throughout my career.

Taylors family picture

Our Family’s Love for Dogs:

But it doesn’t stop with me. My passion for pets is a family affair. Growing up, we were a family of dog enthusiasts, and this love for our four-legged friends runs deep in our veins.

We’ve been actively involved in the dog community for a long time, from training to participating in dog shows and rescue efforts.

Meet Kyu, Our Loyal Labrador Companion:

Kyu, our loyal Labrador companion, is at the heart of our family’s love for dogs. With his boundless energy and unwavering affection, Kyu has been a cherished member of our family for a few years now.

His playful antics, loving nature, and the joy he brings into our lives remind us daily of the extraordinary bond between humans and their canine companions.

meet Kyu

Our Commitment to Your Pets:

At DogArea.org, we aim to share our collective knowledge and experience to help you provide the best care for your beloved pets.

Whether you’re seeking guidance on pet health, nutrition, training tips, or simply looking for heartwarming stories from the world of dogs, you’ve come to the right place.

We understand the unique bond between pets and their human companions, and we’re here to celebrate and nurture that connection.

With the combined expertise of a licensed veterinarian and a passionate dog-loving family, we’re excited to be your trusted resource for all things pet-related.

meet the Taylors

Thank you for visiting our site, and we look forward to being a part of your pet’s journey to health and happiness.

Warm regards,

The Taylor Family.