Maltipoo Life Expectancy: 5 Questions With a Clear Answer!

Since you are here, we assume the Maltipoo breed is among your favorites, right? Then let`s find out more about the Maltipoo life expectancy and other related topics.

Maltipoo life expectancy

Well known for its adorable, friendly nature, the Maltipoo has found its way into the hearts of many pet owners rather quickly.

This is a canine that does pretty well in both small apartments and large households. It really enjoys curling up on its owner`s lap as well as playing fetch.

Keeping all this into mind, it doesn`t take much to notice why so many new dog owners are starting to become eager to adopt such a lovable and smart little canine.

What Is Lifespan Has the Maltipoo?

The Maltipoo is a small canine that can experience a few health problems in its lifetime. The life expectancy of this dog is of 10 to 15 years.

Whether your dog will be able to live more or less will very much depend on factors like overall health, diet, daily exercise and regular routine.

If you want to make sure your Maltipoo puppy will live long and happy, it becomes vital that your canine gets a good exercise plan and an adequate diet on a daily basis.

Also, don`t forget to schedule trips to your local veterinarian at least twice per year for regular health checkouts.

Are Maltipoos Generally Healthy?

Let`s keep in mind that pretty much any dog breed out there can become ill at some point in their lifetime.

As already mentioned, the average lifespan of the Maltipoo can reach even 15 years, and this is seen as a long life for a small dog throughout the canine community.

This hybrid is as healthy as a crossbreed can be and with a lot more energy than many other small dogs. However, it shouldn`t be assumed that Maltipoos aren`t by no means any healthier than other breeds!

Do Maltipoos Have Health Problems?

Due to the fact that this is a crossbreed, the Maltipoo is prone to health problems which can affect both the Poodle and the Maltese.

These particular issues might include patellar luxation, epilepsy, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, white shaker disease syndrome, progressive retinal atrophy and portosystemic shunt.

Skin-related issues might constitute a problem with these mix breed, specifically if the pup`s coat is white. – More to read!

Skin allergic reactions, increased skin sensitivity and food allergies are health problems that might offer some concern when it comes to this hybrid dog breed.

Obviously, it`s really worth to be consistent with any veterinarian regular checkouts and treat any health problem that may occur when talking about the Maltipoo.

As an overall summary, we think that the below health issues are the top 5 ones when involving the Maltipoo breed.

  • Ear related infections
  • Digestive problems
  • Skin related irritations
  • Allergic reactions
  • Diarrhea

What Do Maltipoos Usually Die From?

Sadly, there isn`t enough research made regarding particular subject yet! However, one could make an estimate in various directions considering the existing data there is up to now.

When talking about this specific dog breed, probably the main death cause is represented by heart illnesses, mitral valve disease being the most often encountered and, unfortunately, fatal one.

Then, let`s take a closer look at the most common death causes regarding mixed dog breeds, which are trauma, musculoskeletal disease and cancer. – Click here!

If we are to take into account the Maltese and Poodle causes, the leading death causes are represented by cancer, trauma and neurological diseases.

How Can I Make My Maltipoo Live Longer?

You might be surprised, but there are things that you as its owner can do for your Maltipoo to extend its lifespan. There`s a quick list for you to check:

  • Preventative safety measures against injuries that might be fatal: It`s widely known that trauma represents one of the main death causes for Maltipoo pups and other mini canines. This calls for some pre-emptive steps to help avoid any possible injuries.
  • Your canine`s water needs to be filtered: In some countries, normal tap water has carcinogenic agents and toxins that. Obviously, you wouldn`t want them in to your dog`s organism. Get a filter and you are good to go!
  • If you can afford it, go for the best possible dog food: This might be the most expensive costs when having a dog as your pet. However, it really makes a difference to buy premium dog food for your little fella`.
  • Your Maltipoo`s vaccinations need to be up-to-date: Make sure your Maltipoo will get all its shots. Also, try to avoid taking your pooch outside until 2 weeks has passed after the final round.
  • All general checks don`t need to be missed by your dog: Your canine needs a full examination each and every year. If your Maltipoo is a senior, then twice per year.
  • Your Maltipoo needs to be walked and exercised regularly: Your dog will need at least a few walks a day in order to prevent health issues on the long run.

Final Word

We all would want for our canine friends to live long and healthy. A dog is the same as any other family member. It needs love and attention.

The Maltipoo life expectancy can easily be extended with a lot of love and care on your part. And if you also follow some of the guidelines above, then your fluffy friend will be next to you for a long time.

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