Can Dogs Eat Lobster? 5 Benefits That Will Make Things Clear!

No matter what kind of meat, shape or size – dogs love it! And although they are omnivores (despite most people thinking they are carnivore), dogs are attracted to meat like bees are to honey. But can dogs eat lobster?

can dogs eat lobster

When it comes to our furry friends, meat flavors come natural to their taste and smell. Beef, chicken or ham – it`s already common knowledge they will eat any kind of meat. Are things any different when it comes to seafood, particularly lobster?

Long story short, we all know about the benefits of seafood in terms of low cholesterol, healthy omega-3 fatty acids and high levels of protein. But let`s go a bit more into detail about of our particular type of seafood today and the specific benefits it brings to our canine friends` health.

Improves Overall Health

Most studies when it comes to lobster have been done on humans. However, most of these results can easily apply on our pooches as well.

Most of these researches have already proven that consuming seafood in general (lobster in this case) will decrease the risk heart disease, weight gain and diabetes. All of this can apply to dogs as well!

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Lobster is essential for its increased levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which aren`t usually found in that many types of foods. Three ounces of lobster can offer somewhere around 200 – 500 mg of omega-3 fatty acids. – More info!

The content of fatty acids found in this type of seafood isn`t the highest among others. However, it still offers a significant source of valuable nutrients which we all know our dogs need.

Healthier Bones

Although lobster wasn`t at first thought as a natural food for building healthy bones, latest research have shown that this seafood offers minerals your canine friend requires for his skeletal health.

Both of these essential minerals for hydroxyapatite components, which the dense mineral so abundant in your dog`s bones.

Phosphorus nourishes the membranes of your dog`s cells, while calcium supports the health of his nerves as well.

They recommended daily intake of calcium for a dog is of 1 mg per kcal, while the one of phosphorus is of 22.25 mg/kg.

Low Cholesterol Levels

For some reason, lobster has a bad reputation of having an increased level of cholesterol. This might be true if we are to compare with other types of seafood, but that`s not our main topic here.

A portion of lobster in fact has 145 mg of cholesterol, which is less than an egg (187 mg). Eric Rimm, a professor of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says: “Dietary cholesterol is not as significant as it was once believed to be. When it comes to overall canine healthy diet, dietary cholesterol isn`t related to an increase heart illness or blood cholesterol in a decisive way.”

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When talking about controlling the risk of heart illness and levels of cholesterol, the more essential thing to concentrate on is saturated fat. Fortunately, lobster doesn`t have any!

Giving your pooch a high saturated fat diet will increase the overall levels of cholesterol and will also tip the balance between the “bad” low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and the “good” high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in a negative manner.

This is also the reason why the present dietary instructions demand for the limitation on the saturated fat intake on the daily calories for our canine friends.

Boosts Brain Function

Did you know about the content of vitamin B12 and choline of lobster that can nourish your little friend`s brain?

Choline helps with the production of those little compounds that are very involved in the our canine`s brain communication known as neurotransmitters. Choline maintains the cell membrane health as well.

On the other hand, vitamin B12 supports maintain myelin, which is an essential substance that helps with nerve transmission and coats your dog`s nerves. Vitamin B12 also promotes the function of red blood cells.

A single portion of lobster offers around 120 mg of choline and 2.1 mcg of vitamin B12.

High Nutritional Notes

A 3 ½ oz portion of this appetizing delicacy has around 19 g of protein, 1 g of fat and 90 cal. This makes a low-calorie protein source.

But the beauty of this doesn`t stop here! Like many other seafood, lobster is full of nutrients as well.

Dr. Faye L. Dong, a well known professor from the University of Illinois says: “Lobster offers an essential mineral intake, like potassium, zinc, selenium and phosphorus, and also some of the vitamins from the B category.”

Besides being packed with all these nutrients, it also very low on mercury, which is great for canines that are pregnant or nursing as it can damage nerves or brain of the little puppies.

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It doesn`t have that many omega-3 fatty acids as other seafood, but still be able to get around 83 mg in a 3 ½ oz of portion.

Again, Eric Rimm says: “If your dog eats lobster along with a fattier type of seafood such as salmon once per week, the little fella will have his omega-3 fatty acids intake covered for that particular week.”


So, can dogs eat lobster? As you may have noticed already, our canine friends have a lot to gain from adding lobster into their diet.

However, not all sea creatures are worth your while. And as always, moderation can make all the difference in the world!

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