Do Dogs Have Knees or Elbows?

A common question in the canine community is, “Do dogs have knees or elbows?” This inquiry might trick you, but we will cover this matter in today`s topic.

do dogs have knees or elbows

Canine anatomy research might help dog owners prepare for various related to the health of their canine companion.

For instance, if you suspect your little pal may have, let`s say, leg issues, you probably first go online and check the online environment. (Dog Leg Anatomy in Human Speak, 2021)

Here at DogArea, we put canine leg anatomy into “human” words to simplify things and help you acknowledge all the facts properly.

This inquiry has a short answer. However, we need to go into more depth to understand the entire matter better.

Do Dogs Have Knees or Elbows?

Our pooches have knees, like all other 4-legged animals. Actually, they have elbows and knees.

From elephants, zebras, and rhinoceroses to cats and canines, all mammals with four legs have two elbows and two knees. (Do Dogs Have Knees or Elbows? – Ask the Experts FAQ, 2022)

The two elbows can be found on your dog`s forelegs, while the two knees are on your little pal`s hind legs. (Do Dogs Have Knees? (Number, Function and Health Risks) 2020)

Do Dogs Have Arms or Just Legs?

Although our canine companions don`t have arms as we do, they have wrists and elbows. These are part of their foreleg anatomy.

Their front leg comprises the ulna and radius, while their wrist is known as “the carpus”. (Dog Leg Anatomy in Human Speak, 2021)

So, technically speaking, our pooches are considered quadruped as they have four legs, not two legs, and two arms. All animal species use legs to stand and walk, and canines happen to walk and run using all four legs. (Neale, 2021)

What`s a Dog`s Knee Called?

A dog`s knee is known as a stifle and is quite similar to a human’s knee from an anatomic point of view.

The femur and the tibia are two long bones that are articulated together through a smaller bone known as the patella. (Step 1: Understand the Dog Knee Anatomy, 2021)

What`s a Dog`s Elbow Called?

Canines` elbows aren`t much different from human ones. The elbow joint can be located easily below the shoulder by touching while moving to the next joint.

This joint represents the meeting of three bones:

  • Radius
  • Ulna
  • Humerus

(Henry, 2020)

These three bones need to work together to provide proper movement in the elbow joint, free of pain. (Elbow Dysplasia, 2022)

do dogs have 4 knees

Possible Knee Injuries for Canines

One of the most common knee injuries for canines is a dislocated kneecap, also called patellar luxation. (Campbell, 2021)

According to 5 Common Health Issues for Small Dogs (2022), “Patellar luxation occurs when the dog’s kneecap (patella) is dislocated from its normal anatomic position in the groove of the thigh bone (femur).”

At any veterinarian consultation, you`ll be asked about:

  • Any foreleg or hind leg limping?
  • Does limping take place only after a long walk or even after sleeping?
  • Any Licking at the knee or paw?
  • Any weakness in the foreleg?
  • Does the dog avoid putting pressure on their paw or leg?
  • Any swelling?
  • Does the dog hold its paw up for extended lengths of time?

(Campbell, 2021)

Talking to Your Veterinarian

Regarding canine anatomy, it`s essential to talk to a licensed vet for any concerns you may have regarding a health diagnosis for your little friend.

However, it`s very helpful to talk in a “language” you can understand, as even the most common terms might be difficult for a dog owner when talking about dog-leg anatomy. (Dog Leg Anatomy in Human Speak, 2021)

Do Dogs Walk on Their Toes?

Canines are digitigrade animals, meaning unlike us humans, who use heels to take most of our weight, our pooches use their toes to get most of their weight. This makes their toe bones essential parts of their body. (Rayfield, 2021)

According to Peña (2021), no matter the appearance or form of canine paws, their foreleg and hind leg paws are designed for functionality and durability.

Do Dogs Like Their Paws Touched?

It`s completely normal for your furry friend to try and resist allowing you to touch their paws. Actually, it`s an instinctual reaction most of the time.

A dog needs to be trained from the early stages if one wants to be trusted when handling their little pal`s paws. (Oelze, 2018)

Do Dogs Have Feelings in Their Pads?

Just as humans can feel their own feet, canines can also feel their pads.

However, canines can feel with their pads, from running “barefoot” all over the place at all times, their little paws thick and tough. This allows them to walk around on various surfaces without feeling any discomfort or pain. (Costanzo, 2018)

To Conclude

So, do dogs have knees or elbows? We think we put some light on this matter. We have listed some brief details about your furry friend`s knees and elbows.

Moreover, the fact that you have some knowledge about your canine`s leg anatomy doesn`t really mean you know how to handle any necessary treatments.

You should ask your veterinarian for advice regarding injuries or other health problems when your little one gets into trouble.

Reference List:

5 Common Health Issues for Small Dogs. PetMD. (2022). Retrieved November 2, 2022, from

Campbell, K. (2021, March 18). Dog Anatomy: Do Dogs Have Knees. Goldendoodle Advice. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from

Chris. (2022, March 11). Do Dogs Have Knees or Elbows? – Ask the Experts FAQ. Oodle Life. Retrieved October 26, 2022, from

Costanzo, K. (2018, April 18). Can Dogs Feel Their Pads? Wag! Retrieved November 1, 2022, from

Do Dogs Have Knees? (Number, Function and Health Risks). Outdoor Dog Fun. (2020, December 19). Retrieved October 26, 2022, from

Dog Leg Anatomy in Human Speak. Ortho Dog. (2021, February 15). Retrieved October 25, 2022, from

Elbow Dysplasia. Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. (2022, July 25). Retrieved October 28, 2022, from

Henry, M. (2020, December 30). Do Dogs Have Elbows? Outdoor Dog Fun. Retrieved October 27, 2022, from

Neale, D. (2021, September 23). Do Dogs Have 2 Arms or 4 Legs? Pet Dog Owner. Retrieved October 29, 2022, from

Oelze, P. (2018, February 7). Why Dogs Don’t Like Their Paws Touched. Wag! Retrieved November 1, 2022, from

Peña, M. (2021, July 2). Everything You Need to Know About Dog Paws. Dogster. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from

Rayfield, I. (2021, February 3). Top 10 facts about dog paws. PetsPyjamas. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from

Step 1: Understand the Dog Knee Anatomy. TPLO Nashville. (2021, December 13). Retrieved October 31, 2022, from

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