My Dog Ate a Stink Bug: 5 Questions to Wipe Off All Doubts!

Most dog owners have a tendency of eating weird things. Not at all surprising, “my dog ate a stink bug” can be a statement just as valid for you as any other canine owner.

dog ate stink bug

During the summer season, a backyard of any dog owner might turn into a realm of bugs. These little “beasts” moving around may trigger your furry friend`s hunting instincts.

If you`ll read through the lines below, you`ll learn about what really is a stink bug, why dogs eat them and the possible effects of our little pals eating this tiny creatures.

What Is a Stink Bug?

A stink bug is a big insect which sometimes have an oval shape. The reason they are named like this is because of the smell they let behind made by glands from their abdomen.

Researchers aren`t exactly certain, still, they think these large insects release this “funky” smell to protect themselves.

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Regardless of what makes them release this odor, it`s a “nasty” smell that not even our pooches enjoy.

Dogs & Stink Bugs: Any Relation?

Our little friends are known to enjoy chasing insects, like flies, crickets or termites. They enjoy pretty much anything related to their predatory instincts – running around after them, catching them and even eating them sometimes.

Can canines eat insects? Yes, absolutely! They aren`t poisonous or anything like that for our furry friends and there isn`t a known effect on the long term on a dog`s overall health.

Thus, your canine companion is safe if it ingested a bug by mistake except for the dreadful taste, that`s it!

If we are to follow the Mid-Atlantic Veterinary Hospital`s advice, stink bugs aren`t toxic. However, their stinking secretions might lead to irritation of a dog`s gastrointestinal tube.

This kind of irritations might leads to signs of unrestrained drooling or vomiting. Other known irritation types from this type of insects might include irritation of the lips, inside of a dog`s cheek, tongue or gums.

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In extreme situations, if it might happen for your pooch to have eaten a large amount of stink bugs, this may lead to a resistant mass, known as bezoar, in your furry friend`s stomach which won`t be able to get through the little one`s digestive tube.

This might need a surgical intervention to get rid of it. If you think this might be the case for your canine companion, the opinion of a vet becomes mandatory.

Any Possible Effects After Canines Ate Stink Bugs?

If a stink bug should find its way in a dog`s mouth and it`s ingested, the following health issues might follow soon after:

  • Drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Eye irritations
  • Diarrhea

Both, the eye irritation and drooling might happen after your canine companion was “showered” with the chemical substance the bug releases as a protection measure when it feels danger.

So, if it should happen for your furry friend to eat such a bug, the worst health problems it should endure is an unpleasant stomach upset, some drooling or eye irritation. – Click here!

These particular issues won`t bother your little pal for too long. In most cases, it will pass before you know it!

Can Our Furry Friends Be Allergic to These Bugs?

Our pooches won`t experience any allergies if they should consume this kind of bugs. As we already mentioned, a dog might vomit or experience diarrhea when this should happen. However, there won`t be any allergy signs that might follow.

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Although any digestive inconvenience may be troublesome, you shouldn`t concern yourself about any other negative effects on the long term!

How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs?

Ideally, you`ll want to get rid of these nasty bugs instead of letting your canine companion learn about them the hard way.

When you want to get rid of a stink bug, keep in mind: they aren`t athletes to want to chase them away like crazy. You can just take a small piece of paper, let it walk on it and then get it outside.

If you find the bug on your floor, just vacuum them and clean the vacuum`s bag after.

If all this happens outside and at the same time you have to protect your canine, this might turn into a challenging situation. You could use chemicals so kill these bugs more efficiently, but also need to be certain this won`t affect your dog. – Check this out!

Our furry friends can be poisoned from insecticides as they are toxic to them. They might experience allergic reaction even to mild detergents which you usually use to clean your house. So, be aware!

When you want to use a cleaning solution or other type of chemical substance that it`s your daily cleaning routine, put your canine`s safety first!

Perhaps the most typical way to get rid of stink bugs, especially when you find them outside on your terrace or whatever, just squash them and let them be! The smell or dead bugs will probably keep the other bugs anyway.


So, “my dog ate a stink bug,” you are thinking! Things should be clear for you now regarding the fact whether or not these are toxic.

However, since this type of insects are carriers of parasites or might transmit various medical conditions, you should stay on the safe side and try to discourage your little fella` from pursuing them.

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