Fat Great Dane: 10 Essential Insights That Will Interest You!

This doesn`t happen often, but a fat Great Dane has been seen before. Do you think your Great Dane is overweight? If so, don`t feel guilty!

fat Great Dane
Source: ShutterStock.com

You are one of many owners of a Great Dane to be in this situation, especially with age. It`s been stated that almost 60% of all canines are overweight.

If you have an obese Great Dane, you might be predisposed to specific health problems, like arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, or joint issues.

Due to this reason, you won`t only have to deal with health issues you may want to avoid otherwise, but your canine companion may also have a shorter life. (Reed, 2022)

If you suspect your pal might have gained too much weight, you`re in the perfect place, as we`ll be glad to offer you the proper guidelines to solve this issue.

Can Great Danes Get Fat?

Overweight Great Danes have been seen before, especially aging ones. They won`t become as round as dogs of other breeds, such as Dachshunds, but they can get a bit too fatty. (Lotz, 2022)

Some medical issues may have contributed to your pooch`s obesity, but the most common reason is over-feeding. (“Overweight Dog’s Obesity. Is The Life of Fat Great Danes Shorter? – Pet Guide Daily”, 2022)

Like humans, a dog being overweight can create unnecessary health problems later, even though the little fella is from a giant breed.

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (2022), 56% of domestic canines in the United States were classified by their vets as being overweight.

What Signs Show Your Great Dane Is Too Fat?

Several signs can be noticed if your Great Dane may have become overweight.

Bulkier Silhouette

The body silhouette of a canine varies from one breed to another. The silhouette of a Great Dane is that of an athletic, well-built, muscular dog.

Their chest broadens from their neck, while their body becomes narrower towards their rear legs.

If your Great Dane`s body frame doesn`t really represent this breed`s typical shape and instead is more of a rounded, bulkier shape, then your canine may have put some extra weight. (“Is my Great Dane Overweight? 6 Overweight Great Dane Signs”, 2022)

Their Ribs Disappeared

It`s easy to feel a Great Dane`s ribs while petting them. You won`t have to dig too hard to feel your canine companion`s ribs.

Just gently run your palm along the side of their stomach, and they should be there. If you can’t see or feel them, your dog may have become overweight. (“Overweight Dog’s Obesity. Is The Life of Fat Great Danes Shorter? – Pet Guide Daily”, 2022)

No Waistline Anymore

Great Danes have really nice waistlines, just like us humans, and you should be able to see it.

If you stand up and look at your dog from above them, you should be able to notice how their little abdomen will sink inward behind their ribs.

According to Reed (2022), if your Great Dane`s body looks straight from chest to hip, they are probably overweight.

overweight Great Dane
Source: ShutterStock.com

No More Stamina

Your Great Dane should have so much energy that, at some point, they should drain your own.

These are enthusiastic dogs, always eager to play. If your canine companion still performs all their daily activities but not as they used to, maybe it`s best to check their weight.

Also, if they prefer to sleep or lay around on cozy couches instead of a walk in the park or playing fetch, you should start to wonder! (Lessard, 2022)

Even if your dog is still enjoying physical activities, they somehow start becoming out of breath when returning home; this might be a sign of excessive weight. (Reed, 2022)

Carrying more weight than normal definitely feels exhausting for your canine, and apathy is a symptom of being overweight in canines. (Lessard, 2022)

Pendule Abdomen

Great Danes can also develop fat pads on their hips or swinging bellies, and this represents another sign of being overweight.

Running your palms over your dog`s lower belly can easily notice their additional fat. (“Overweight Dog’s Obesity. Is The Life of Fat Great Danes Shorter? – Pet Guide Daily”, 2022)

Are Great Danes Usually Skinny?

As already mentioned, most Great Danes have a muscular but lean body shape, so they might seem skinny if you aren`t used to this dog breed. (“How To Put Weight on A Skinny Great Dane the Healthy Way”, 2022)

When it comes to health in the long term, it`s essential they don`t add additional weight to prevent any orthopedic problems. (Reed, 2022)

Although dogs of this breed have a lean physical constitution, they shouldn`t seem too skinny. Knowing when a Great Dane has a healthy weight could be challenging for some owners. (LaRock, 2022)

How Skinny Is Too Skinny for a Great Dane?

It can be scary to see a canine underweight, and even worse when talking about a Great Dane, which is a large canine. (“How to Put Weight on a Skinny Great Dane the Healthy Way”, 2022)

An underweight dog might experience the following symptoms: muscle wasting, hip bones/spine jutting out, no muscle tone, sunken temples, low energy, and an obvious “knowledge bump” on their head`s top. (“Is My Great Dane Too Skinny? 5 Things You NEED to Know! – Hello Danes”, 2022)

Considering your Great Dane is feeding properly and has no underlying medical cause, it`s completely normal for them to look skinny, especially if they are still a puppy. (“Why Is My Great Dane Puppy So Skinny? Facts You Should Know – Canines and Pups”, 2022)

How do you put weight on a great dane?

If you consider your Great Dane too skinny, the best way to add some extra weight is to add some high-protein, quality food to your pooch`s diet. (“How to Put Weight on a Skinny Great Dane the Healthy Way”, 2022)

This type of pet food is a great choice for canines that need additional weight. Adding foods high in protein and fat to your dog`s diet will help the little fella` gradually gain weight. (“How to Put Weight on My Great Dane?”, 2022)

You can also consider various dietary tricks, such as giving your dog sweet potato or pumpkin as a supplement of fiber and fat or feeding your canine companion more times per day. (Grey, 2022)

How Much Do Great Danes Eat a Day?

These gentle giants can eat a lot, there`s no doubt about it! If you want your Great Dane to play with you and always remain active, you want them to be kept well-fed. (“How Much Food Does a Great Dane Eat? See Our Feeding Chart”, 2022)

A Great Dane should be expected to eat between 8 and 10 cups of food daily. This should occur mostly when they are in their growing phase. As your dog matures, expect them to eat around 6 to 10 cups daily. (“How Much Do Great Danes Eat (Daily and Monthly)?”, 2022)

my dog looks skinny ribs show
Source: ShutterStock.com

Can You Overfeed a Great Dane?

Great Danes are large canines, so they`ll eat a lot of dog food. Still, offering them the right amount of food is also very important.

Offering a bunch of dog food and calling it a day won`t work unless you want your little friend to have other health consequences later. (Cosgrove, 2022)

Overfeeding your canine can result in severe health problems such as reduced life expectancy, arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes.

Therefore, observing any troublesome signs that your canine is overfed as early as possible is essential. (“The 10 Signs That Show You Are Damaging Your Pet’s Health Through OverFeeding – Burns Pet Nutrition”, 2022)

What Is a Healthy Weight for a Great Dane?

Most dogs of this breed should weigh around 60 – 100 lbs at 6 months of age. Keep in mind that every Great Dane puppy is unique in their own way and that these figures are just averages. (Diamond, 2022)

The weight of a Great Dane can only be considered ideal if there is a correlation with the height of the canine. It`s also essential to acknowledge your dog’s lineage. (“Great Dane Growth Chart (with Pictures)”, 2022)

What Health Problems Can Overweight Great Danes Experience?

Did you know the Great Dane dog breed is one of the most predisposed breeds to obesity? (“7 Deadly Risks: Fat Great Danes Face Serious Health Risks”, 2022)

As we outlined at the beginning of this article, canine overweight has numerous health issues as a result, like orthopedic illnesses (e.g., elbow and hip dysplasia), osteoarthritis, and diabetes. (Burke, 2022)

According to Reed (2022), overfeeding is probably one of the most common reasons behind a Great Dane`s overweight, but there can be some medical conditions involved here as well.

What Do Studies Say?

Most studies show that overweight canines might have a shorter lifespan. (Salt et al., 2018) Obesity represents a severe health problem in pets, and there`s a real need for innovative strategies regarding prevention. (Linder et al., 2021)

A study performed by the Royal Veterinary College has shown the extent of the overweight canine epidemic in the United Kingdom, where their veterinarians registered 1 out of 14 canines as being overweight yearly. (“RVC Study Reveals Extent of Dog Obesity Crisis in the UK”, 2022)

Another cross-sectional correlation research gathered information from 38 dog owners and their canine companions at three festivals for pes in New England. The results revealed a possible link between the status of overweight dog owners and their canines. (Linder et al., 2021)

Studies clearly show that there`s an association between overweight status and the life expectancy of pet canines as well as kenneled canines. Results outline an immediate risk of death for overweight canines compared to the ones with a normal weight. (Salt et al., 2018)

What Do Vets Recommend?

Veterinarians advise that canines should be weighed with every vet visit to determine if the dogs` weight is within acceptable limits.

Regarding Great Danes, ideal weights should range between 140 lbs and 170 lbs for adult males and 110 lbs and 140 lbs for females. (“Is Your Great Dane Overweight? – Big Dog Blog”, 2022)


Final Word

If you have a fat Great Dane, the first thing you need to do is visit your closest veterinarian. He`ll be able to investigate and see if any medical problems are involved.

After examination, your vet can outline a weight loss plan that may involve increased physical activity and a change in your dog`s diet.

References & Resources:

7 Deadly Risks: Fat Great Danes Face Serious Health Risks. Hello Danes. (2022). Retrieved 31 May 2022, from https://www.hellodanes.com/7-deadly-risks-fat-great-danes-face-serious-health-risks/.

Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. (2022). Retrieved 28 May 2022, from https://petobesityprevention.org/.

Burke, A. (2022). Great Dane Life Span & Health Issues – American Kennel Club. American Kennel Club. Retrieved 31 May 2022, from https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/great-dane-life-span/.

Cosgrove, N. (2022). How Much Should You Feed a Great Dane?. Hepper. Retrieved 30 May 2022, from https://www.hepper.com/how-much-to-feed-a-great-dane/.

Diamond, A. (2022). Great Dane Growth & Weight Chart: Everything You Need to Know. Pawlicy Advisor. Retrieved 30 May 2022, from https://www.pawlicy.com/blog/great-dane-growth-and-weight/.

Great Dane Growth Chart (with Pictures). PawLeaks. (2022). Retrieved 30 May 2022, from https://pawleaks.com/great-dane-growth-chart/.

Grey, C. (2022). How to Put Weight on a Great Dane? (Easy guide). Your Giant Dog. Retrieved 30 May 2022, from https://yourgiantdog.com/how-to-put-weight-on-a-great-dane/.

How Much Do Great Danes Eat (Daily and Monthly)?. Dog Advisory Council. (2022). Retrieved 30 May 2022, from https://dogadvisorycouncil.com/how-much-do-great-danes-eat/.

How Much Food Does a Great Dane Eat? See Our Feeding Chart. PawShore.com. (2022). Retrieved 30 May 2022, from https://pawshore.com/how-much-food-does-a-great-dane-eat/.

How To Put Weight on A Skinny Great Dane the Healthy Way. Mastiff Guide. (2022). Retrieved 29 May 2022, from https://www.mastiffguide.com/how-to-put-weight-on-a-skinny-great-dane.html.

How to Put Weight on My Great Dane?. Neeness. (2022). Retrieved 30 May 2022, from https://neeness.com/how-to-put-weight-on-my-great-dane/.

Is my Great Dane Overweight? 6 Overweight Great Dane Signs. Canines and Pups. (2022). Retrieved 28 May 2022, from https://caninesandpups.com/overweight-great-dane/.

Is My Great Dane Too Skinny? 5 Things You NEED to Know! – Hello Danes. Hello Danes. (2022). Retrieved 29 May 2022, from https://www.hellodanes.com/is-my-great-dane-too-skinny/.

Is Your Great Dane Overweight? – Big Dog Blog. Big Dog Blog. (2022). Retrieved 31 May 2022, from http://pkydanes.com/blog/2021/01/20/is-your-great-dane-overweight/.

LaRock, A. (2022). Is Your Great Dane Too Skinny? (how to know & what to do). The Puppy Mag. Retrieved 29 May 2022, from https://www.thepuppymag.com/why-is-my-great-dane-so-skinny/.

Lessard, D. (2022). 7 Warning Signs Your Dog Is Overweight. Homeo Animal. Retrieved 28 May 2022, from https://www.homeoanimal.com/blogs/blog-pet-health/overweight-dog-signs.

Linder, D., Santiago, S., & Halbreich, E. (2021). Is There a Correlation Between Dog Obesity and Human Obesity? Preliminary Findings of Overweight Status Among Dog Owners and Their Dogs. Frontiers In Veterinary Science, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2021.654617

Lotz, K. (2022). 3 Signs Your Great Dane Is Overweight. iHeartDogs.com. Retrieved 28 May 2022, from https://iheartdogs.com/3-signs-your-great-dane-is-overweight/.

Overweight Dog’s Obesity. Is The Life of Fat Great Danes Shorter? – Pet Guide Daily. Pet Guide Daily. (2022). Retrieved 28 May 2022, from https://petguidedaily.com/fat-great-danes/.

Reed, Z. (2022). 5 Signs That Your Great Dane Is Overweight (and what to do about it!). Great Dane Care. Retrieved 28 May 2022, from https://greatdanecare.com/overweight/.

Reed, Z. (2022). Are Great Danes Supposed to Be Skinny? – Great Dane Care. Great Dane Care. Retrieved 29 May 2022, from https://greatdanecare.com/skinny/.

RVC Study Reveals Extent of Dog Obesity Crisis in the UK. Royal Veterinary College, RVC. (2022). Retrieved 30 May 2022, from https://www.rvc.ac.uk/vetcompass/news/rvc-study-reveals-extent-of-dog-obesity-crisis-in-the-uk.

Salt, C., Morris, P., Wilson, D., Lund, E., & German, A. (2018). Association between life span and body condition in neutered client‐owned dogs. Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvim.15367

The 10 Signs That Show You Are Damaging Your Pet’s Health Through Over Feeding – Burns Pet Nutrition. Burns Pet Nutrition. (2022). Retrieved 30 May 2022, from https://burnspet.co.uk/nutrition-blog/the-10-signs-that-show-you-are-damaging-your-pets-health-through-over-feeding/.

Why Is My Great Dane Puppy So Skinny? Facts You Should Know – Canines and Pups. Canines and Pups. (2022). Retrieved 29 May 2022, from https://caninesandpups.com/why-is-my-great-dane-puppy-so-skinny/.

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