How Big Will My Goldendoodle Get?

Despite the fact that they’re not yet recognized by the AKC, Goldendoodles have increased in popularity with multiple dog lovers. Since their parents are the friendly Golden Retriever and the stylish Poodle, Goldendoodles make for ideal companions.

how big will my goldendoodle get based on parents

Fun fact though, Goldendoodles, much like any dog breed, grow too quickly in the first few months of their life. This leads to their owners wondering: just how big will my Goldendoodle get?

That’s why, in this guide, we take you through everything you need to know about your new puppy’s weight, age, and lifecycle.

Let’s hop right in!

How Big Do Goldendoodles Get?

Generally speaking, a Goldendoodle typically stops growing once it becomes one-years-old.

At that point, the Goldendoodle has approached full adulthood and may only put on a few more pounds until it hits the two-year mark. In other words, a Goldendoodle is less likely to go through more growth sprouts later in its life than it has in the beginning. (Garrett, 2021)

Luckily though, a Goldendoodle’s development can be easily represented by a curve, meaning, an owner can calculate how big their Goldendoodle will get, no problem! All it takes is simple math, a scale, and a few factors we go through below.

Who the Parents Are?

Interestingly enough, there are more than two generations of Goldendoodles out there, each resulting from a specific kind of Poodle. This also led to there being five different types of Goldendoodles.

Currently, most Goldendoodles are considered first-generation (F1) dogs. This means that their parents are likely to be a Golden Retriever and a miniature or standard Poodle. When these two dogs crossbreed, the result will be a medium to large-sized Goldendoodle. (Pet News Daily Staff, 2022)

Simply put, knowing the parents gives the breeder more control over how big the baby Goldendoodle is going to be. Not just that, but it also helps achieve the desired coat appearance and type. (Doodle Doods, 2022)

Which Goldendoodle do You Have?

As it stands, there are three common types of Goldendoodles: miniature, medium, and standard-sized Goldendoodles. Each of these puppies goes through variable growing phases and weighs differently once fully grown. (Pet News Daily Staff, 2022)

A miniature Goldendoodle, for starters, will typically weigh around 12 pounds once three months have passed. At the 36-weeks mark, however, the puppy will be 27 pounds. A medium-sized Goldendoodle, on the other hand, will weigh 20 pounds at three months and 40 pounds at nine months. (Adriana, 2021)

Standard Goldendoodles though, reach their adult size the quickest and most of their growth sprouts happen during the first six months of their lives. By 12 weeks, they’re already over 30 pounds! (Doodle Doods, 2022)

How Healthy the Goldendoodle Is?

While the numbers we mentioned above are pretty standard, they could vary depending on the physical state your Goldendoodle is in. Even if the puppy has stopped growing in size, they’re still subjected to becoming over or underweight if not fed well.

A Goldendoodle that’s healthy will have minimal fat covering and palpable ribs. You should be able to view an indent around your pet’s abdomen and waist too. That’s how you tell that your dog is in tip-top shape. (Pet News Daily Staff, 2022)

Goldendoodles also go through a “filling out” stage. Much like most dogs, they’ll start putting on more muscle mass in their shoulder and hind legs—how much will depend on how often they exercise. Additionally, their chests drop, giving them a lanky pose, which may make them weigh heavier. (SpiritDog, 2021)

What Gender the Goldendoodle Is?

If we take another look at the Goldenpoodle’s parents, you’ll notice that the Golden Retriever, for instance, is a huge breed. A full-grown Retriever weighs more than 70 pounds and is around 24 inches tall. These numbers will vary according to gender. (Kidadl Team, 2022)

So, while the other parent, the Poodle, will determine the kind or the size of your Goldendoodle, the genes of the Golden Retriever parent are the ones responsible for what gender, and consequently, how big the dog will be.

This leads to male Goldendoodles being born heavier and larger than female ones. Some say that they develop quicker too. Once they’ve matured, a female Goldendoodle will be a few inches shorter (from three to four) and a couple of pounds lighter (around 5 lbs) than her male counterpart. (Davis, 2022)

How Do I Know If My Goldendoodle Will Be Big?

If you’d like to know how big your Goldendoodle will be once it fully grows, you’ll need to remember a simple rule of thumb: It’s quite difficult to tell for certain how much a Goldendoodle will weigh during the first few weeks. (Timberidge Goldendoodles, 2022)

Generally, the Goldendoodle should be more than eight-weeks-old, before one can tell for certain how big it’ll grow. (Timberidge Goldendoodles, 2022)

As mentioned before, each Goldendoodle breed develops differently. How much time it takes them and how big they get with every sprout also varies.

For instance, miniature adult Goldendoodles are 30 pounds, while full-grown medium ones weigh 45 pounds. Standard Goldendoodles stop growing once they reach 60 pounds. (Kidadl Team, 2022)

There’s a formula, however, that can help you roughly estimate what weight range your Goldendoodle will be in as it grows. The formula includes multiplying your puppy’s current weight by one hundred over the percentage of their total weight every four weeks. (Garrett, 2021)

With the above said, if you want a sure way to know exactly how big your Goldendoodle will grow out to be, then why not sign up for an Embark DNA test? This canine genetic testing program will not only help you with your dog’s size, but also tell you its genetic makeup, possible health risks, and full family history. (Garrett, 2021)

how big will my goldendoodle get (calculator)

How Tall Will My Goldendoodle Be?

When it comes to a Goldendoodle’s height, on the other hand, it’ll mostly depend on the genetics from the Poodle parent’s side. (Petland, 2020)

Take the mini Goldendoodle, for starters. These little pups grow up to 14 or 17 inches, while their larger counterpart, the medium Goldendoodle grows to be 20 inches at least. An adult standard Goldendoodle is the tallest, stopping at 22 inches with the possibility to grow further. (Clifford et al., 2021)

As for the fourth and rarest Goldendoodle breed, namely the toy or petite Goldendoodle, they only grow up to 14 inches and under. Their adult weight is less than 25 pounds and they’re considered fully grown by the age of eight or 11 months. (Clifford et al., 2021)

How Long Does It Take for a Goldendoodle to Reach Full Size?

The time it takes for a Goldendoodle to reach its full size may slightly change from one breed to another. Despite that fact, a golden rule to keep in mind is that once a Goldendoodle reaches 97% of its overall body weight, it can be labeled as an adult. (Garrett, 2021)

That said, a Goldendoodle takes anywhere from 12 to 13 months to fully grow. As mentioned before, how big it’ll become and how fast the process will be, depends on the kind of Goldendoodle you have. (Garrett, 2021)

Luckily, there are multiple formulas tailored to the four types of Goldendoodles out there (Toy Goldendoodles included!) that can help you predetermine the time it’ll take them to be adults.

It takes 16 months for a standard Goldendoodle to fully grow, for example. To estimate their adult weight, weigh the dog when it’s 23 weeks old and multiply it by two. (Doodle Doods, 2022)

For a mini or medium-sized Goldendoodle, double their weight when they’re 18 weeks old to get their adult size. They should be able to reach it once 13 months have passed. (SpiritDog, 2021)

Last but not least, tiny Goldendoodles reach adulthood the fastest as they grow to their full size at 10 months of age. Their adult body is calculated by multiplying their weight at 15 weeks by two. (Doodle Doods, 2022)

When Will My Goldendoodle Stop Growing?

Considering how notorious dogs are for growing too quickly, a Goldendoodle isn’t that different either.

In a year or two, you’ll find that your Goldendoodle is no longer gaining any more girth or height. At that age, the one thing that remains is that they’ll continue to shed and put on a few pounds, but nothing as significant as their early months. (Timberidge Goldendoodles, 2022)

The exact time when a Goldendoodle will stop growing yet again relies on its parents’ genetics. As a rule of thumb, Golden Retrievers fill out quicker than Poodles and reach their adult size fast. When it comes to their height, however, Retrievers are slow and take around 18 months to reach their full height. (Davis, 2022)

Poodles, on the other hand, don’t finish growing until they’re at least two years old or more. Standard Poodles take longer than other Poodle kinds too. As a result, a Goldenpoodle’s adult age varies accordingly. (Timberidge Goldendoodles, 2022)

Final Say

If you’re asking yourself: how big will my Goldendoodle get? We hope that this guide helped you answer that question!

To put it in simple terms, a Goldendoodle will usually grow up to 50% of its adult weight within the first year of its life. How big your puppy will end up being will also depend on the kind of Goldendoodle you have, plus its genetic makeup and overall physical health.

Make sure your Goldendoodle is happy and strong!

Reference List:

Adriana. (2021, August 16). Goldendoodle Growth Chart: Mini Goldendoodle Size Chart. Dog Food Smart. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

Clifford, J., Curtis, & Mary. (2021, December 7). How big do goldendoodles get? FiveBarks. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

Davis, J. (2022, March 25). Goldendoodle growth chart: Different sizes of Goldendoodles. PupVine. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

Doodle Doods. (2022, April 23). Goldendoodle Size Chart for mini, medium, and Standard Goldendoodles. Doodle Doods. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

Garrett. (2021, December 20). When Is a Goldendoodle Full Grown? (2022) we did the math! We Love Doodles. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

Kidadl Team. (2022, March 16). When Do Goldendoodles Stop Growing? how big do they become? Free Ideas for Family Fun & Learning. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

Pet News Daily Staff. (2022, April 24). Goldendoodle growth chart: Size, weight calculations. Pet News Daily. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

Petland. (2020, November 23). Goldendoodle 2nd gen: A puppy you’ll forever love. Petland Florida. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

SpiritDog. (2021, July 16). Goldendoodle Growth Chart & Weight Calculator. SpiritDog Training. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

Timberidge Goldendoodles. (2022, January 23). Goldendoodle growth curve. Timberidge Goldendoodles. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from

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