Is Aquaphor safe for dogs? 7 Questions That Make Everything Clear!

Brand-name products are mostly safe and secure for most canine owners` needs, but you can never be too sure, right? So, that is why we ask – is Aquaphor safe for dogs?

is aquaphor safe for dogs

Your canine`s skin experiences changes as the seasons change; that`s a fact! The spring season could very well bring allergic reactions along with itchy paws or eyes.

When the summer comes, air conditioning might dry the sensitive noses of our pooches. Of course, the winter season doesn`t come alone either, but with frosty, chapped paws.

Obviously, you won`t be able to use your lotion on your fluffy companion as human moisturizers might have dangerous chemical ingredients and substances.

Our canine friends will most likely lick any ointment treatments off their paws or noses, so any soothing lotion you use on your little fella`s skin needs to be 100% canine-safe.

What Is Aquaphor?

Aquaphor represents a brand name of OTC skin care lotions made by Beiersdorf Inc. Aquaphor is provided in 4 ranges of products.

This is a treatment and prevention medication for small skin irritations, itchy skin, minor cuts, burns, or scrapes. It also aids in protecting from the drying consequences of cold weather or cold.

Emollients represent substances that relieve and decrease flaking or itching and moisturize the dog`s skin.

This brand has been available in the U.S. for more than 90 years.

What Is It With Canines & Aquaphor?

It`s not abnormal for canines to want to eat things they normally should avoid: aluminum foil, rubber bands, or Styrofoam. Here are a few reasons why we think your pooch might be interested in Aquaphor.

  • Hunger: Make sure your fluffy friend isn`t hungry, as we all know how our canine companions get when they are like that.
  • Curiosity: We have our hands to explore the world; dogs have their mouth and noses. When they get curious, they might start swallowing things by accident. Some of them might very well be harmful for the little fella`.
  • Habit: Your canine might feel compelled to consume “things” that aren`t really food. This is known as pica, a medical condition in which our canine companions might crave a specific thing or a variety of things.

Things might get really serious when it comes to coprophagia, a medical term for consuming feces, this being the most well-known form of pica in our furry friends.

  • Boredom: Sometimes, it doesn`t take long for our dogs to become bored. This might also have something to do with their intelligence. They need to have something to do all the time.

Your dog might start by chewing something from your house and eventually swallow it. – More info!

  • Stress: If your furry friend is stressed, maybe because they were left alone for too long, they might try to comfort themselves by eating things that look like food but aren`t.

Is Aquaphor Poisonous to Dogs?

Catching your pooch into the jar of Aquaphor is never a pretty scene. The outcome will teach your little pal never to attempt such a “stupid” thing to do again. Hopefully, it will also teach you not to leave the jar there again if your canine companion can reach for it.

Aquaphor isn`t toxic to our fluffy friends! However, if consumed in large amounts, the mineral oil content inside this ointment might lead to stomach problems, like vomiting or serious diarrhea.

If this has happened, there isn`t much you can do but wait it out – and this will certainly happen, so don`t worry!

Note: You can ease your canine`s discomfort by giving them Omeprazole or Pepto-Bismol. If signs are still present after 2 – 3 days, take your little fella` to your veterinarian immediately.

Is Aquaphor Safe to Ingest?

Aquaphor might be harmful if your little pal swallows it. If, let`s say, your dog would overdose on this medicine, it might experience severe signs like difficulty breathing or even passing out. – Click here!

In this case, it`s highly recommended for you to get in touch with your nearest veterinarian clinic for immediate help.

Can I Put Aquaphor on My Dog`s Cut?

As we already established, this topical lotion can be used on superficial skin-related issues, such as abrasions or wounds.

Is It OK to Put Aquaphor on a Dog’s Nose?

According to the Real Simple magazine`s The Vets Will See You Now from the April 2016 issue, Donna Solomon, a well-known veterinarian, advised applying a very thin coat of this medicine on a dog`s dry parts of the body two times per day.

So, there`s no point in going forward with this idea other than the fact that Aquaphor works wonders on your canine`s nose.

What Does Science Say About Aquaphor?

Ointments such as Aquaphor can be employed to keep wounds and lesions moist before medical interventions.

This type of medication offers benefits regarding wound healing but might also lead to swelling or redness.

According to this scientific research, Aquaphor was used to assess lesion reactivity postoperatively. It was found that surgical lacerations treated with this ointment had an increased incidence of injury redness (52%) than wounds treated with regular lotions.


So, is Aquaphor safe for dogs? Well, it`s not poisonous or dangerous for your little friend`s skin if you think this. However, would the advice of an online resource be enough for your dog`s health?

Maybe you should also get in touch with your veterinarian to find out what he has to say about this as well. And this should be a principle you should follow whenever you have doubts about your dog`s health.

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