My Dog Ate a Used Condom: What Should I Do?

Let`s agree on something – our furry friends don`t really care what they put their mouth on, right? Most of the time, we can`t really fathom why happens.

my dog ate a used condom

They`ll try to eat just about anything, although not all of these things are safe for for them. According to Anderson (2022), some of these foreign objects might even be harmful to our canine companions.

Now you are thinking: “my dog ate a used condom; what should I do?” Well, before anything else, you should know what you are dealing with, so a bit more research about this will only help.

Signs to Look for

If by any chance, your fluffy pal has swallowed a condom, there are symptoms you can look for that can show their intestines are blocked: Some of these signs might include:

  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Laziness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite

(“My Dog Ate a Condom – What to Do? – Oodle Life”, 2022)

If any of these signs occur without no good reason whatsoever, it`s maybe best to get in touch with your vet. (“What Should I Do If My Dog Eats a Condom? – Cockapoo HQ”, 2022)

My Dog Ate a Condom: Now What?

First off, anytime a canine ingests anything that isn`t edible, there might be a potential hazard for the little fella`. (“My Dog Ate Used Condom! [PREVENTION TIPS] – Sir Doggie”, 2022)

There`s no reason to panic just yet. Obviously, this isn`t as easy as it sounds, but still, do your best. (“What Should I Do If My Dog Eats a Condom? – Cockapoo HQ”, 2022)

Fortunately, these objects that us, humans, use are soft enough not to present any risks to our canine companions. Moreover, they shouldn`t contain any toxic elements to dogs. (Woodnutt, 2022)

In the end, it all depends on the size of the little friend. And if you think there are any concerns involved, here are some steps you should take. – Read this!

  • In many cases the canine will attempt to swallow the entire thing. Check your dog`s mouth and see if there`s any chance to take the condom out without injuring your little pal or yourself.
  • If the condom has been swallowed already, don`t try to go all the way down to your dog`s throat as this might lead to more harm than good.
  • You could try to make your pooch vomit what they ingested. Two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide should do the trick. Alternatively, a visit to your veterinarian might be recommended as well.

(“My dog ate a condom. What should I do? – We Love Doodles”, 2022)

What to Be Careful About

Some canines pass this kind of item without any worries as some of our canine companions have really strong stomachs.

However, other times things aren`t so simple! A condom passing through a dog`s system might prove to be a slow process. (Hawk, 2022)

Moreover, a big Labrador may lick their lips after eating such a latex product as the risk is almost non-existing to them. Still, smaller canines might get harmed from ingesting artificial rubber items. (Thomson, 2022) – Click here for more!

my puppy ate a used condom

You should pay attention in case your dog may experience pica, a compulsive eating disorder in which your little friend feels the need to consume non-food items, such as hair, feces, clay, glue, or dirt. (“What Is Pica? – Pica Eating Disorder |”, 2022)

Your dog might also suffer from a latex allergic reaction, although these are rare occurrences. When making the reference to a latex allergic reaction, this may be obtained either from natural or synthetic rubber, having the oil base produced from various chemical substances. (Hawk, 2022)

The main risk from your pooch ingesting a condom is represented by the fact that it might result in a blockage in their intestines or stomach. This is also known as a “foreign object” or “foreign body.” (Woodnutt, 2022)

If your dog doesn`t make the difference between right and wrong in terms of what they put in their mouth, it`s essential to take some sort of action if any changes in your dog`s appetite are noticed. (Thomson, 2022)

Reasons Why This Could Happen

You are thinking: “well, this time at least my little fella` just ate a condom.” But do you know why this actually happens?

Canines are wild and curious creatures. Maybe not like cats, but still, the curiosity is there. They use their taste and smell senses a lot more than their sight sense.

If by any chance, your dog is from the Beagle or Poodle breed, you are already aware of just how much they like to sniff out everything.

They also enjoy smelling their closest human in the house. You probably come around finding your fluffy friend sniffing your dirty laundry? That is because they are looking for your scent.

It`s exactly the same when chewing up a condom that they might have found in the trash bin. They are seeking your fluids when they miss you. It`s the same for sanitary towels or any tampons. (“My Dog Ate a Condom – What to Do? – Oodle Life”, 2022)

Is This Harmful for My Dog?

Well, if we had to give a short, simple answer, yes – condoms do present some sort of a risk to a canine. But this is only in the case of very small dogs, such as a Corgi or a Chihuahua, which can choke rather easily.

On the other hand, if we talk about a Golden Retriever or a Rottweiler, things might be a lot simpler as the dog may be able to pass it through their stool. (Anderson, 2022)

A real problem can occur when the canine has eaten the whole box, in which case you`ll have to make your dog vomit the condoms or take them to a veterinarian. (“My Dog Ate a Condom – What to Do? – Oodle Life”, 2022)     

Final Remarks

You were thinking “my dog ate a used condom; what should I do?” We think we managed to bring some light to the matter.

Unless your little pal has swallowed the whole damn thing, in which case you have to wait for it to pass through your canine`s system naturally, there isn`t any reason to panic.

In addition, the best advice we can possibly give you is to call your veterinarian whenever in doubt.

References & Resources:

Anderson, S. (2022). My Dog Ate a Condom! Should You Be Worried If This Happens?. PupVine. Retrieved 30 April 2022, from

Hawk, M. (2022). What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate a Condom?. Animal Nerdz. Retrieved 3 May 2022, from

My Dog Ate a Condom – What to Do? – Oodle Life. Oodle Life. (2022). Retrieved 30 April 2022, from

My Dog Ate a Condom. What should I do? – We Love Doodles. We Love Doodles. (2022). Retrieved 1 May 2022, from

My Dog Ate Used Condom! [PREVENTION TIPS] – Sir Doggie. (2022). Retrieved 30 April 2022, from

Thomson, E. (2022). My Dog Ate a Condom (What Should I Do) Plan of Action. Spot Canine Club. Retrieved 3 May 2022, from

What Is Pica? – Pica Eating Disorder | (2022). Retrieved 3 May 2022, from

What Should I Do If My Dog Eats a Condom? – Cockapoo HQ. Cockapoo HQ. (2022). Retrieved 30 April 2022, from

Woodnutt, J. (2022). My Dog Ate a Condom! Here’s What to Do (Vet Answer). hepper. Retrieved 30 April 2022, from

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