How Long Do Pugs Live? 5 Ingenious Tricks to Increase Pug Life Span!

So, how long do Pugs live for? If you want to share your home with a Pug, you`ll probably want to find out more about the concept of Pug life span.

You might also be interested in different tips and tricks on how you can extend the life of your little fella.

pug life span

Yeah, there is this question that kind of bothers us today – how old do Pugs live? According to a recent research, the average lifespan of a Pug is around 11 to 15 years, with female Pugs living a little longer, having a life expectancy of 13.2 years, while males of around 12.8 years.

This study also outlines the differences between certain dog breeds in death causes and lifespan, and the research`s results strengthens the evidence that already existed according to which smaller dog breeds have a tendency of living longer than larger dog breeds.

Still, if we are to compare with other purebred canines, our little friend ranks somewhere between the lower middle and middle range. And considering that this is a small type of dog, why the Pug life span isn`t longer?


Pugs are predisposed to weight gain if their dog owners don`t pay attention to their diet, and in turn this can lead to problems in the hips or joints as well as breathing or heart related issues.

Pugs should receive only healthy dog food, preferably prepared at home. If this isn`t possible, at least be certain your Pug gets the healthiest dog food possible.

This means to avoid those types of food with artificial ingredients which might put your dog`s life in jeopardy.

Note: A well balanced diet can extend the lifespan of your Pug.

Exercise Is Mandatory

This is mostly about finding the proper balance for your little pal. A sedentary canine won`t ever be healthy, although on the other hand too much physical exercise might result in breathing issues and other general health problems as well.

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During warmer periods of time, a short walk before 10.00 AM and then again after 05.00 PM will keep your furry friend fit and healthy.

Note: It`s recommended to stay for a water drink or rest in the shade whenever you feel necessary.


Pugs have all those cute wrinkles on their ears, but this makes grooming a necessary responsibility for their owners in order for them to have a healthy skin and be kept away from any possible infections.

When it comes to Pugs, skin infections have increased chances to occur. This means a dog of this breed has to be groomed with great care. All those cute wrinkles have to be cleaned properly with correct grooming.

Also, dental and teeth hygiene are quite important as these canines tend to lose their teeth while they get older. A veterinarian can offer guidance when talking about dental care.

how long do pugs live

Regular Visits to the Vet

Just like any other dog breed, Pug life expectancy can also be affected by whether or not visits to the vet`s clinic are made on a regular basis.

Most dog owners are only serious about these visits when their dog is only a puppy, but as their canine ages, they have a tendency of slacking and only visit the “doctor`s office” if their little friend get sick.

It`s essential for you as a dog owner to choose for regular vet check-ups if
you want your Pug to stay happy and healthy. When Pugs become adults, a
check-up once per year is enough, and twice per year for senior dogs.

Making the Last Moments Count

One of the biggest mistakes a dog owner could make is refusing to believe
that one day their Pug will eventually be gone.

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If you choose to accept that your little pal will have to “leave” at some
point, you`ll also be able to make the most of their senior years.

Take as much photos as you can to treasure their memories. Do as much as you can to show how much you care for them and try to have a big impact in the last moments of their life.

Overall Conclusion

Does the “how long do Pugs live for?” question still bother you? Probably not!

Now that we found out the Pug life span of these wonderful little creatures, it`s time to make the most of the time we have to spend with them.

Pugs are amazing pets that have so much to offer for the right family.

Their playful way of being and their ever-lasting affection towards the ones they care are what make this great dog such an appealing choice for most dog owners.

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