Why Are Pitbulls So Clingy: 6 Called-for Answers You Deserve to Know!

While some dogs can somehow be clingier than others, Pitbulls are mostly known for this particular trait.

why are pitbulls so clingy
Source: ShutterStock.com

Your visit here today may be related to one specific question: why are Pitbulls so clingy? Are you the unlucky owner of a Pitbull that follows you everywhere?

Josh Billings has given us a popular quote that pretty much fits this situation: “A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than you love yourself.” (“Josh Billings Quotes – BrainyQuote”, 2022)

If this is the case, your dog may either love you to the Moon and back, or you may have a Velcro dog on your hands. The latter can become problematic at some point, in which case you need to know what you are dealing with. (“Why Are Pitbulls So Clingy? (6 Ways to Reduce Such Behavior)”, 2022)

Why is my Pitbull so clingy, you ask? Pitbulls are well known to have a clingy nature as a result of the way they`ve been bred. In our present times, these canines were bred with the thought of human companionship in mind.

Due to this fact, dogs of this breed will follow their loved ones just about anywhere, and as a result, they are predisposed to experiencing separation anxiety. (Aaron, 2022)

Are Pitbulls Velcro Dogs?

These dogs are seen as the original “Velcro dog.” Not only that they`ll follow you just about everywhere, but they`ll roll over asking for rubs, crawl on your lap, snuggle and cuddle you without asking. (“8 Things You Didn’t Know About American Pitbulls”, 2022)

According to Geier (2022), when they are in that mood, you should be ready to get 60 pounds of love without having a choice about it.

Do Pitbulls Need Lots of Attention?

These are canines for the people without a doubt. This means they`ll require a lot of attention from their owner.

Given that Pitbulls were bred having a clingy nature, one can`t really question why a dog of this breed needs so much attention. (Johnson, 2022)

The bottom line is that if you can`t offer a Pitbull the attention this dog needs and deserves, this may have an impact on their mental health.

Moreover, you may have to deal with untold issues around your household. Are you sure you really want this? Because this is a Pitbull we are talking about here! (Aaron, 2022)

Are Pitbulls Extremely Affectionate?

In general, these magnificent pets have an impressive love and affection for their close ones, turning them into amazing companions for a family.

and there`s no other stronger bond between the owner and his canine companion than that with a Pitbull. (“About Pitbulls | FTTF”, 2022)

These dogs are champions when it comes to cuddling, snuggling, or climbing on your lap. Also, they are predisposed to gazing at their loved ones with affection, wagging their tail intensely, or licking their owners` faces desperately. (“How Do Pitbulls Show Affection? – (10 Signs of Pittie Love)”, 2022)

Do Pitbulls Get Attached to One Person?

Pitbulls are people-orientated canines that are very protective and loyal. However, their loyalty isn`t reserved for one single person.

Although their master will receive favorite treatment, these dogs can bond with new owners if rehomed. (Foden, 2022)

Typically, most Pitbulls will be affectionate just about to anyone they meet. Still, the exception here is for Pitbulls that have a past of neglect or abuse.

In this case, if a dog of this breed has received abuse from kids or, let`s say, an older person, the canine may exhibit less affection for these particular individuals. (“How do Pitbulls Show Affection? – (10 Signs Of Pittie Love)”, 2022)

Do Pit Bulls Have Separation Anxiety?

Unfortunately, there are times when Pitbulls and separation anxiety can`t be set apart. Separation anxiety is one of the most common causes of canines ending up in shelters. (Menjivar, 2022)

Pitbulls show behavior issues when they are left alone for long periods of time. Normally, these dogs will exhibit dramatic anxiety responses in a relatively short period of time: 20 to 45 min. (Kirby, 2022)

This is something that could be prevented by making sure that Pitbull pups have their time scheduled where they have to learn to spend some time alone in their beds or crates.

Some of these little fellas only seem to have this health issue when in reality they are only afraid to be left home alone as maybe something bad has occurred while being alone in the past, such as fireworks, storms, etc. (Horwitz & Landsberg, 2022)

What Separation Anxiety Signs Do Pitbulls Show?

Separation anxiety isn`t something to take lightly. Your responsibility is greater than you think as you need to pick up some key signs early in time.

Some of these signs may include:

  • chewing furniture or various objects around the household
  • urinating, even defecating on the floor
  • howling for hours and hours non-stop. (McCaffrey, 2022)
  • escaping crates or rooms
  • pacing or circling
  • salivating, panting, or drooling in excess. (Menjivar, 2022)

Are Pitbulls Jealous?

A Pitbull will get jealous if they aren`t in the center of attention. Remember, we just spoke a little earlier these dogs do require a lot of attention.

So, you won`t want to get the attention they think they deserve away from them. They can easily become irritated and that`s not something that you want. (Salisbury, 2022)

Also, a Pitbull will only get jealous if there are other pets around the house that try to get all the attention. This shouldn`t come as a surprise as dogs of this breed were bred to fight with other canines or hunt their prey. (“10 Most Jealous Dog Breeds – Healthy Homemade Dog Treats”, 2022)

Also, Harris and Prouvost (2014) brought to light in their research that our furry friends do get jealous. Furthermore, these two researchers found that canines showed repeated behaviors related to jealousy when their own owners displayed acts of affection towards ‘dog-like toys.’

Final Word

So, why are Pitbulls so clingy? Well, these canines have lots of ways to exhibit affection and this is one of them.

Anyone with a Pitbull raised in a home full of love and affection is able to confirm how wonderful they are as family companions.

Offer your little pal as much care and love you can possibly give, and you`ll get in return the most loving and affectionate protector for your family you can ever ask for.

References & Resources:

10 Most Jealous Dog Breeds – Healthy Homemade Dog Treats. Healthy Homemade Dog Treats. (2022). Retrieved 17 June 2022, from https://healthyhomemadedogtreats.com/10-most-jealous-dog-breeds/.

8 Things You Didn’t Know About American Pitbulls. Walkin’ Pets Blog. (2022). Retrieved 16 June 2022, from https://www.handicappedpets.com/blog/truth-about-pitbulls/.

Aaron, M. (2022). Why Are Pitbulls So Clingy? The Attention They Need Might Shock You!. Doggy Saurus. Retrieved 17 June 2022, from https://doggysaurus.com/why-are-pitbulls-so-clingy/.

About Pitbulls | FTTF. Friends to the Forlorn Pitbull Rescue. (2022). Retrieved 17 June 2022, from https://www.friendstotheforlorn.org/about-pitbulls/.

Geier, E. (2022). 10 Things Only Pit Bull People Understand. The Dog People by Rover.com. Retrieved 16 June 2022, from https://www.rover.com/blog/10-things-pit-bull-people-understand/.

Harris, C., & Prouvost, C. (2014). Jealousy in Dogs. Plos ONE, 9(7), e94597. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0094597

Horwitz, D., & Landsberg, G. (2022). Separation Anxiety in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital. Veterinarians & Emergency Vets. Retrieved 18 June 2022, from https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/separation-anxiety-in-dogs.

How Do Pitbulls Show Affection? – (10 Signs of Pittie Love). Not A Bully. (2022). Retrieved 17 June 2022, from https://notabully.org/how-do-pitbulls-show-affection/.

Johnson, E. (2022). Why Is My Pitbull So Clingy? 7 Surprising Reasons! – Doggo It. Doggo It. Retrieved 17 June 2022, from https://doggoit.com/why-is-my-pitbull-so-clingy/.

Josh Billings Quotes – BrainyQuote. BrainyQuote. (2022). Retrieved 15 June 2022, from https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/josh-billings-quotes.

Kirby, B. (2022). Separation Anxiety. Ring Dog Rescue. Retrieved 18 June 2022, from https://ringdogrescue.org/pit-bull-education/separation-anxiety/.

McCaffrey, C. (2022). Separation Anxiety in Pit Bulls. Pets – The Nest. Retrieved 18 June 2022, from https://pets.thenest.com/separation-anxiety-pit-bulls-10510.html.

Menjivar, S. (2022). Pit Bull and Separation Anxiety: 3 Ways to Cure It. Kennel to Couch. Retrieved 18 June 2022, from https://kenneltocouch.org/2019/07/separation-anxiety/.

Salisbury, A. (2022). Do Pitbulls Get Jealous? 6 Signs To Watch Out For & Solutions!. Pitbulls Home. Retrieved 17 June 2022, from https://pitbullshome.com/do-pitbulls-get-jealous/.

Why Are Pitbulls So Clingy? (6 Ways to Reduce Such Behavior). IN PET CARE » We Care & We Share “Love” For Pets. (2022). Retrieved 15 June 2022, from https://www.inpetcare.com/why-are-pitbulls-so-clingy/.

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